Huntington Beach Sober Living

Providing men’s fellowship and a safe space for recovery. We offer IOP and PHP options for our sober living residents.

Who we are

BCBH4MEN offers sober living

Our mission is to inspire and influence men to discover their limitless potential and purpose for everyday living.

Male-only facility
Curfew enforced
12-step meetings
Random drug testing
Shared house chores
Sober fellowship

Ask About Open Beds

Looking for sober living in Huntington Beach? Talk to our Blue Coast staff!

Get in touch


social support


living environment


house manager




BCBH4MEN Cornerstone Values

Proceed with Integrity

Getting honest with oneself

Foundation in the Foxhole

Healthy community

Participate in Your Purpose

What you give to the world

Do Good As We Do Well

Commitment to serving others

Call House Manager Now

If you're interested in our sober living, call our house manager today to ask about current beds.